Reply to post: Re: Youre the herd, this is a cull

You think the UK coronavirus outbreak was bad? Just wait till winter: Study shows test-and-trace system is failing

Eclectic Man Silver badge

Re: Youre the herd, this is a cull

"Mainly it's the old, the sick, the homeless, the unemployed/unproductive & the NHS professionals who treat them"

Mainly it is the people who have other health issues, like having grown up in deprived areas with higher rates of pollution, obesity, diabetes, etc. who die. You omit (whether by accident or design) that Black, and People of Colour are more likely to die from Covid-19 by a factor of 2 than white people.

Contrary to Mr Johnson's assertion, Covid-19 is not a leveller. Deprived areas have twice the case fatality rates of affluent areas in the UK.

What I genuinely find bewildering is the Tories and right wing failure to grasp the idea of reality that cannot simply be bent to their will by sheer bloody-mindedness, and that the only way to cope with this pandemic is to actually understand the science instead of trying to interpret it to support their personal beliefs of how society ought to work, instead of how it does work.


And B-R-E-A-T-H-E

Relax the shoulders, close the eyes, inhale with the diaphragm through the nose.

Hold that breath.

Count to 10.

Exhale through the nose slowly

And repeat until bored.

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