Reply to post: Re: There's more..

Ever wonder how a pentest turns into felony charges? Coalfire duo explain Iowa courthouse arrest debacle

doublelayer Silver badge

Re: There's more..

But in order to make that decision, we have to ask why those professions get those privacy benefits. Lawyers make sense, since they are ostensibly the protection layer between people and their accusers. How about doctors? Why do they get that protection? According to this article on the subject, it's designed to ensure that patients tell medical professionals enough information that they are treated properly. On that basis, you can make an argument that security testing is similar to medical--they are also ensuring that the person or organization who is using their services is healthy, and you can draw coherent though tenuous connections between tasks performed by security testers and doctors. The argument isn't the easiest to make, but in my opinion the argument for medical privilege isn't particularly convincing either.

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