Reply to post: Too little, too late?

USA decides to cleanse local networks of anything Chinese under new five-point national data security plan

Claptrap314 Silver badge

Too little, too late?

If someone says that you are their enemy, believe them.

The Chinese have been pushing an aggressive anti-American rhetoric for decades. I was alarmed by what they were saying in the late 80s. Given that the Chinese lack the concept of human rights as we have it in the West, their party congresses have often stated that it is the duty of every citizen to aid in the "struggle". Every citizen.

But supply line vulnerability is near-total. The size of the blobs in firmware make it intractable to figure out everything that is happening at a low level

None of the above suggests that the US government is not aggressively engaging in its own espionage. It has been since president Wilson left office, at least. As it must. Which is completely irrelevant to the decisions it should make regarding the behaviors of the Chinese government.

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