Reply to post: Re: NVidia has the money and manpower

Wrap it before you tap it? No, say Linux developers: 'GPL condom' for Nvidia driver is laughed out of the kernel

Donn Bly

Re: NVidia has the money and manpower

Anyone selling to the Linux market is making use of the labors of the kernel devs, the distribution maintainers, and everyone who is going to the effort of maintaining a Linux box. There is a price to be paid for the use of these efforts. Pay it, or stay away.

No, the END-USER is making use of those labors, not the person selling into that market.

To compare this to another common industry -- If I develop a new accessory for an automobile I'm not "making use of the labors" of the engineers and companies that made those automobiles as much as I am making something that compliments them. There is no reason why I should be forced to pay a licensing fee to Ford or Chrysler just so that the end-user can plug something into the cigarette lighter.

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