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A tale of mainframes and students being too clever by far


In the late 70s, we only had one computer for the whole County (Aberdeenshire).

It toured the schools in a Mobile Library Van, specially converted.

While the operator got a VDU and a keyboard, we got punched cards and teleprinter output.

Still, I fell in love with technology and my first 10 card program also included an 11th. PRINT "Hello World"

Later I moved to England and we even had a Computer Club (with one computer at first in the Maths Dept)

I joined and spent many happy hours there. We had a couple of great teachers too who joined in.

A band of happy geeks who were considered odd but learnt a lot for later life/careers

Actually we played games whenever we could, loaded via cassette tape.

Anyone remember Colossal Adventure? Google it

Or we wrote our own simple games

But most of us did become social, settle down, have kids, became non-geeks(ish)

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