Reply to post: You!!!!

A tale of mainframes and students being too clever by far

Henry Wertz 1 Gold badge


"The college IT administration was not happy. My instructor was even more unhappy since he felt it reflected upon him personally.

I did not finish that class. I did not continue my education at that college."

Crazy. When I was in college (1999), I was in a parallel programming class and we'd just done an assignment on using shared memory; someone in my class managed to crash the CS departments 16-processor SGI. Professor (who was from one of the ex-Soviet countries and sounded rather high strung now and then), at beginning of class he slaps a hand onto the table "So!!! Someone has crashed the SGI! Which student has account 17!!" Everyone's looking around, this student looks like he's going to crap his pants. He points "You!!!!" (about then student is probably expecting to get expelled or something.) (normal conversational voice) "Shared memory should not crash the entire system, we'll need to write up a bug report to send to SGI."

Honestly, that's the reasonable response for a student's program unintentionally crashing the system.

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