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Struggling company pleads with landlords to slash rents as COVID-19 batters UK high street. The firm's name? Apple


... as part of their social responsibility.

Cheeky SOBs ...

They don't have the slightest clue as to what social responsibility is or what it means.

And Apple is not the only one.

As long as they keep getting away with paying taxes of cents on each million made they will get greedier and greedier, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Not long ago we saw first Ireland and then the EU General Court fuck up a chance to start setting things straight as ruled by the European Commission to the tune of 13 billion euros.

13 billion euros which Ireland or the EU obviously do not seem to need. (!)

So that's how the world spins these days, to the tune of these greedy bastards.

Interesting times.


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