Reply to post: Re: Win10 is Not Fit For Purpose.

It's been five years since Windows 10 hit: So... how's that working out for you all?

J. Cook Silver badge

Re: Win10 is Not Fit For Purpose.

Re: Telemetry- No one can turn it completely off, not event the enterprise folks who've paid dearly for the privilege of having the 'security' setting, unless one does what MS will consider warranty-voiding things to the registry, which will also turn right back on at the next update.

Re: Updates- Again, unless you've paid MS a lot of money AND run an in-house patch/ update management server (SCCM), you are boned with the auto-updates.

Enterprise editions of W10 don't have the ads. I think. (either that, or we found the switch to turn them off via policy.)

Finding the old control panel is a matter of Start > Windows System > Control panel, at least in the enterprise version. We enterprise users are also stuck in the duopoly hell of the half-baked UWP settings app and the 'legacy' control panel.

We would have stayed on windows 7, were it not for the whole thing of M$ dropping support for it. Apparently, we don't pay enough money to MS for the 'extended special snowflake' support package...

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