Reply to post: Windows 10 is not a bad OS

It's been five years since Windows 10 hit: So... how's that working out for you all?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Windows 10 is not a bad OS

However, what makes me loathe it are :

- forced updates/upgrades with no way of choosing what is applied

- forced, invasive telemetry

- unique advertising ID - so far you can disable its use for advertising but it will not be deleted

- forced login into MS ecosystem - it is becoming increasingly difficult to avoid it

- "I can't do that, Dave!" behavior - you are not allowed to uninstall what Microsoft doesn't want you to uninstall

All symptoms of a walled garden that's coming. I don't want that for my personal use.

For business use, I don't quite care since I'm being paid to use it.

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