Reply to post: Re: Nukes on a moon?

USA seeks Moon and Mars nuke power plant designs ready to fly in 2027

DS999 Silver badge

Re: Nukes on a moon?

Why would the dust get ON the solar panels, since there is no wind/atmosphere to loft it. Sure, on the scale of millions of years and many impacts the dust gets spread around, but it doesn't seem like that is going to be a problem for solar panels with a life of 25-50 years.

It is much more of a problem for the astronauts tracking it inside, getting it in their spacesuits, etc. so they might end up getting some accidentally on the solar panels when they are installed. But once they are installed, and the dust blown off in a one-time activity, so long as no one needs to mess with them again there is no reason new dust would accumulate on them.

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