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Data-stealing, password-harvesting, backdoor-opening QNAP NAS malware cruises along at 62,000 infections

Pascal Monett Silver badge

I have a Synology, and it refuses anything that is not from the local network.

Media is disabled, internet access is disabled, FTP is disabled. The only way to access it is by being on the same local network.

That, plus the fact that the router doesn't accept outside queries either, and I think I have a good foundation for being secure.

Which, obviously, does not mean I do not pay attention to the firewall on the router, or on the machines I work with.

I just can't understand people who configure their machines to accept Internet requests without wondering how to ensure that only the "right" people will access their data. Twenty years ago, you could be forgiven for not knowing that some miscreant is just begging for a chance to get at your data. Today, not so much.

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