Reply to post: Re: a "software-generated voicemail message"

Is that croaky voicemail of your CEO just a Fakey McFake Fake – or does he normally ask you to wire him $1m?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: a "software-generated voicemail message"

> it won't pass mustard

The phrase is "pass muster" (from military inspections), but I find this particular eggcorn rather amusing.

Unfortunately, my first interpretation is that, for one to "pass mustard" the mustard must have been indigestible, and therefore fake - the complete opposite of the intended meaning.

Fortunately, a less scatological interpretation would be that something might "not pass [the] mustard" because it wanted the mustard all for itself, and is therefore a selfish bastard not to be associated with.

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