Reply to post: Re: "Slapping a "Personal Edition" label on a product implies..."

Companies toiling away the most on LibreOffice code complain ecosystem is 'beyond utterly broken'

doublelayer Silver badge

Re: "Slapping a "Personal Edition" label on a product implies..."

"Sorry, there are sentences like "Slapping a "Personal Edition" label on a product implies you can only use it for personal use, which would be against the license." which are utterly wrong."

Maybe you would accept it if rearranged. Here's what I think it is trying to say:

If a project said that you can only use it for personal use, that would be against the license. Slapping a "Personal Edition" label on a product implies but does not really mean that.

The sentence occurring immediately after the one you quoted makes it clear that they understand that the implication is not true. They are not claiming license violations. They are claiming user confusion.

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