Reply to post: Re: Sitting Ducks

Russia tested satellite-to-satellite shooter, say UK and USA

doublelayer Silver badge

Re: Sitting Ducks

Exactly. If you can have enough weapons to be able to take out satellites with a 12-24 hour lead time, that's pretty good. Preparing a ground-based attack might be able to go faster if you rush things, but it's not markedly so. Also, if you attack a satellite from something near it, you can do so in such a way that relatively little damage is caused to other things. If you have to fire your offensive weapon from the surface, you don't have as many options--either you launch what is effectively what you could launch already, or you go for a blast it to pieces approach. If you do blast it to pieces, there's always the chance you might damage something you didn't intend to damage, either causing problems for you or angering someone who was formerly neutral. Even if you still think surface-based attacks are useful, it doesn't hurt to have both options available. If you can stand to wait a few hours, use your orbiting disassemblers. If you can't, bring out the big laser.

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