Reply to post: Re: Why no Internet voting?

Don't strain yourself, Zuck, only democracy at stake... Facebook makes half-hearted effort to flag election lies by President Trump


Re: Why no Internet voting?


Because the Internet was never designed to be secure, has therefore never been secure, and in fact can not be made secure.


So the idea of transferring money via online banking is a non-starter. Or online stockmarket trading. As is the idea of buying goods online.

You appear to believe that the Internet is FAR to insecure to do any of those things.

Sure, we have cases of identity theft, but not enough to be significant to the overall integrity of the system. And identity theft with paper ballots is much easier than it is online - all I need to do is walk into a polling booth and give the name of someone on the electoral register who I know will not be voting. They don't even ask for a password. I can go from polling station to polling station doing so as many times during the day as I can manage.

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