Reply to post: Re: naive

Seven 'no log' VPN providers accused of leaking – yup, you guessed it – 1.2TB of user logs onto the internet

Jimmy2Cows Silver badge

Re: naive

1. Combined with timestamped endpoint IP logging, up-to-date geographical data for IP assignments, and timestamped CCTV at said endpoint... perhaps.

2. See 1 (caveat: endpoint may not have CCTV).

3. Only if they've obtained that cipher alreadys.

4. Probably not. Perhaps if 3 is true. But this assumes security services give a shit about doing anything in time to make a difference. They don't. The miniscule possibility of doing stopping "terror" is the carrot to gain ever-widening snoop powers. The stick is "look what happened because we didn't have blanket access to XYZ".

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