Reply to post: Re: Right up to Nuremberg

Incredible artifact – or vital component after civilization ends? Rare Nazi Enigma M4 box sells for £350,000

bazza Silver badge

Re: Right up to Nuremberg

The Polish contribution was indeed critical, and proceeded anything that was done in the UK.

Though I prefer to place even greater emphasis on the other aspect of the Polish achievement; hope. Their work was inspirational and showed that it could be done.

Looked at in this sense, at the time when it was still so early in the war and the Germans were seemingly invincible, the fact that the Poles had shown so early on that the German forces weren’t quite so universally unbeatable as many feared them to be could have had a galvanising effect on the senior British leadership. There was a chink in the German armour. It was the Poles who found it. Perhaps there’ll be another, was probably what was being thought.

That’s a very special kind of hope, born as it was from the appalling destruction of one country by another.

I think the trade in such artefacts is ghoulish. These are tainted goods after all, not something to be venerated.

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