Reply to post: Re: Which could be where it gets "interesting"

Chips for Huawei are fried: TSMC stops shipping parts to Middle Kingdom mega-maker this September


Re: Which could be where it gets "interesting"


You're right about the power deriving to the US from the USD being used as the default international currency. But:

You're wildly wrong about OPEC vs US. Put it this way: you're saying the US dances to the tune of Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, Angola, Equatorial Guinea, etc. (US imports only 6% from Saudi Arabia).


Worth pointing out too, that US exports about as much oil as it imports. Oils ain't oils. It's an economic optimisation thing, not a hard need thing. But if it chose, it could build custom refineries, suck up perhaps a 2-5% hit on wholesale prices (maybe half to 1% at the retail pumps), and eliminate imports.

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