Reply to post: Re: Follow the money

Bad news: Your Cisco switch is a fake and an update borked it. Good news: It wasn't designed to spy on you

Jellied Eel Silver badge

Re: Follow the money

Right down to routinely bullshitting about the quality of raw materials. "Auditors" in the physical commodities sector are built like brick shithouses and their auditing tool is a 10foot Pole with a scoop.

Yup. Problem isn't limited to China either. I had a fascinating client once which did inspections, in which I learned a little about that. Their challenge was getting inspectors onto ships, getting samples, testing, sharing the results with their clients and then deciding to accept or reject the shipment. Which provided several challenges, one being a narrow time window for consignments FOB because once unloaded, it became a much bigger problem for the customer. Main challenge for us was trying to get wayleaves to run fibre into ports, and for extra fun, bonded warehouses.

And that client was the one I think that made me want a spectral analysis of a Marmite sample. Easy to get for other addictive substances like THC, but a challenge still on my bucket list. I keep checking the price of gadgets like Raman and IR spectrometers, but a) they're still expensive and b) I'd probably gunk it up with Marmite.. :)

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