Reply to post: Re: Poor video

Cambridge student rebuilds Polish Enigma-code-breaking box that paved the way for Turing ... and Victory!


Re: Poor video

From what I read on the Cyclometer, much of the work was done by testing the settings by various methods, like the grill and catalog methods, then this machine could display data that could be used to continue guessing the entire key. There was information about using perforated cards to place on top of the raw messages to see if they made sense, the hence the key was discovered that way. I may be way off, but watching the movie helped me at least gain a basic understanding. So yes you could use this machine to decrypt but it was a tedious method that took a large team of people to work it out. It wasn't as good as the computers Bletchley made up later, that replaced hundreds of workers by using auto electro-mechanical means to find the keys.

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