Reply to post: Re: How's my virtue signalling?

Linus Torvalds banishes masters, slaves and blacklists from the Linux kernel, starting now

Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

Re: How's my virtue signalling?

I just can't understand why anyone would be opposed to it.

Because it's like wallpapering over subsistence cracks in your house. It does nothing to fix the problem, and just hides the real issue while allowing people to say "Look, I did something, aren't I good".

in which case you're probably 68% likely to be white European, which means your ancestors most likely benefitted from colonialism & slave trading.

The slaves that were taken to America from Africa weren't created by white traders. Those traders bought the slaves from (black) Africans, they were often prisoners taken during tribal conflicts. It wasn't just the white traders that benefitted from the trade, it was all those involved, all along the line. Painting this purely as white colonial abuse is itself a racial slur.

Why is your instinctive reaction to efforts like this to want to shut them down, to belittle them, dismiss them as either pointless virtue signalling or an attack on western democracies?

Because it prevents people from discussing and solving the real underlying problem. You don't fix history by rewriting it to hide the abuses of the past, that just hides it so it can happen again.

Are you really opposed to this for the reasons that your kneejerk reaction says you are


or would you rather not have to think too deeply about it because it's not your problem?

The historical issue isn't my problem, because it happened generations before I was born. My problem will be preventing it from happening again, which I do by helping to educate the next generation about why it's a problem. Hiding the words used to describe it does not help with that.

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