Reply to post: Re: Loyalty

Cambridge student rebuilds Polish Enigma-code-breaking box that paved the way for Turing ... and Victory!

I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

Re: Loyalty

Britain created NATO, along with other European states, and asked the US to join. Its origins were based on post war treaties signed between the UK and a few Western European countries. Despite the ignorance of idiots like Corbyn, NATO was the creation, and an excellent part of the legacy, of the post-war Labour government.

To address some more of your historical ignorance, the USSR were never a military threat to the USA. Except massive nuclear strike of course. They did not have the logistic, sealift or airlift capacity to put significant numbers of troops into the field there. The US were in Europe for the same reason they joined WWII in Europe, or Britain joined WWI. Not wanting an enemy to gain dominance of an entire continent.

The thing that gives the lie to your paranoid bollocks about some imaginary US threat is that countries are still begging the USA to base troops there. Because if the security it gives them. Unlike say Russia or China, who have no allies they don’t have to buy or threaten. After using their treaty naval bases to invade Crimea, who’d trust Russia? Bases they only managed to keep by blackmail over Ukraine’s gas supply in winter.

So I’ll give three quick examples. Iraq kicked out US troops, they were offered to keep some by Obama and said no. Since ISIS they want them again. Or the shock and dismay when Trump talked of pulling out of Germany last month. Or my final example of the Polish government asking the USA to base troops there 2 years ago. They even offered to pay $2bn a year, and call the base Camp Trump...

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