Reply to post: Re: Why wouldn't Tim Berners-Lee have 17 years experience designing websites?

IBM job ad calls for 12 years’ experience with Kubernetes – which is six years old

doublelayer Silver badge

Re: Why wouldn't Tim Berners-Lee have 17 years experience designing websites?

I did not read that far down; thanks for bringing my attention to it. That said, I'm not accepting that; it sounds like at best a pedantic distinction without a difference or at worst an excuse for getting the number wrong. Designing something can happen in many ways, as long as you make decisions about how a thing will look or function. It's pretty broad. When I made students write "design documents", they neither wrote the code nor used imaging software, but they still designed their programs when they wrote up some text. You can design a site in the same way, and you can also do work on making the site look exactly how you want it to. That sounds like design to me.

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