Reply to post: Re: Is there a reason we need YAPL?

Rust code in Linux kernel looks more likely as language team lead promises support


Re: Is there a reason we need YAPL?

> Once all the nasty stuff is encapsulated in libraries C is no more dangerous to use than any language.

Disagree. C (and also C++ for that matter) is always just one small slip-up away from a hard crash, no matter how much you try to encapsulate. The problem is these languages cannot protect any abstractions you create. C++ looks like it does, which makes it even more treacherous than C.

A true high-level language is one where you never get only a core dump or an exception dialog box with hex in it. Instead you get an error message that tells what was violated, in terms of the source code. (Unless you are explicitly doing something hairy, like calling a module written in a low-level language, in that case all bets are off).

I don't know enough about Rust to say if it qualifies as a high-level language. I guess I have to study it.

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