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Detroit Police make second wrongful facial-recog arrest when another man is misidentified by software

martinusher Silver badge


To give the police some credit the alleged offense took place a year ago and so there was plenty of time to get tats and the like.

On the other hand, the police know how unreliable eye-witness identifcation is so they shouldn't expect any better from software. You just can't bust someone on a single witness statement (although it won't stop people from trying), you have to have other evidence (and 'being black' isn't evidence.....). To cap it all they obviously used the threat of a felony conviction to try to force the fellow to plead guilty to a misdamenor which pretty much tells us that they had a weak to non-existent case. (Depending on where he lived he'd have to stump up money to a bail bondsman to stay out of jail while his case is being processed -- that's tantamount to jailing or fining a person up front.)

Somewhere in the DA's office a head needs to roll.....

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