Reply to post: Re: 5G ?

Rip and replace is such a long Huawei to go, UK telcos plead, citing 'blackouts' and 'billion pound' costs: Are Vodafone and BT playing 'Project Fear'?


Re: 5G ?

It's probably better if it is rolled out slower, because we may discover some problems from the more uniform, and higher power, RF exposure, so have more time to notice the downsides and halt roll-out, before dependency causes denial.

Cell RF, let-alone 5G, shouldn't have been rolled out, until genuinely honest RF safety levels had been set for all RF transmission (with no corporate or military influence), grouped by frequency range and modulation type, and guidance for higher power level use and maximum exposure duration, in so environments, like there is for X-Ray and nuclear radiation.

I suggest that people read the book "The Invisible Rainbow" to discover the curious history of electricity and discover that RF is maybe not as harmless to humans (and other life) as we have been told by authorities (due to comprehensive Western corporate/military suppression, including by Sigmund Freud) and that as the frequency rises, so does the effective contained power, with any divergence from a continuous pure sine-wave, like modulation, including pulsing, can make it more like ionising radiation.

I also suggest reading the mentioned the book "The Fourth Phase of Water", to see that even seemingly trivial ambient EMF can cause significant effects, like continuously, linear motor like, ionic propulsion of sap up many metre high trees, with no need for moving parts; how capillary action really works! What's more, this effect can be more intense nearer to more intense EMF, disproving the idea called "Brownian motion"! The book demonstrates this phase in numerous experiments. All life obviously utilises this 4th Phase of Water, and this 4th Phase is probably present in some other non-aqueous liquids too!

Life is significantly electrical, RF and semiconducting, so is vulnerable to RFI jamming, which can cause damage, including in the Mitochondria and the semiconducting Myelin Sheath, at a fraction of heating power, with 5 to 10% of people significantly genetically vulnerable, and more people may start to notice damage to themselves from the massive increase in RF from DECT, cell phones, WiFi, and Bluetooth, and proprietary cordless peripherals.

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