Reply to post: Trumpery

Rip and replace is such a long Huawei to go, UK telcos plead, citing 'blackouts' and 'billion pound' costs: Are Vodafone and BT playing 'Project Fear'?

Yes Me Silver badge


"ditching Huawei is about much more than following trump."

No, really, it isn't. You don't cite any evidence, but the fact is that all this started with Western vendors paying lobbyists in Washington DC to whip up Congressional hysteria against Huawei, because Huawei kit is better & cheaper & threatens their profits. This plays well in Washington, with appeal to both Democrats & Republicans, but it plays best of all with Trump and his infantile misunderstanding of international trade. And for whatever reason, the Tory right wing has dug itself into a deep hole that makes them slaves of Trumpery.

Assuming Trump is duly kicked out in November, all this will start to unravel by next February or March, so I don't expect that any UK telco will actually need to remove a single item of Chinese kit.

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