Reply to post: Re: Opt out ?

Privacy watchdogs from the UK, Australia team up, snap on gloves to probe AI-for-cops upstart Clearview

Ben Tasker

Re: Opt out ?

> So my photo may be available to the like of Clearview but how am I to exercise my right to "opt-out" if I don't know about the photo?

When Clearview first came on the radar, I had a quick look at their opt-out.

The way it works is you provide an image of yourself, they process it, store it and then ignore any images they feel are a good match for you.

Meaning they've now got an image which is verified as being you, and I'm sure some "upper tier" payment plan will allow that to be returned still despite claims to the contrary.

If you want to know what (if anything) they've got on you, then you need to do a data-access request. At which point they'll want a photo *and* ID

They'll let you deindex images/urls but only if they've been taken down from the net. They don't honour robots.txt either....

They come across as the sort of company where it seems like the safest thing to do is not contact them, and wait for the authorities to smoosh them instead

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