Reply to post: Re: Always seemed an uphill task

.NET Core: Still a Microsoft platform thing despite more than five years open source


Re: Always seemed an uphill task

>Too many, in Microsoft's opinion, and that's why they neutered .NET 5 by making some targets only available on Windows, which more or less kills the entire multi-platform idea.

You must be referring to WPF. WFP is not part of .NET. When .NET 5.0 comes out, WPF applications will run top of a multi-platform .NET 5.0 but only in Windows, just as Android applications run on top of a multi-platform Linux kernel but only on devices running Android.

The restriction on where WPF applications won't make .NET 5.0 any more "neutered" than the restriction for where Android application can run makes the Linux kernel neutered.

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