Reply to post: Re: Keep up the +ve discrimination

University ordered to stop running women-only job ads


Re: Keep up the +ve discrimination

Peter - I've read your comment several times...

"I rather admire the objective of 30% female staff 'so that they get a proper voice' in the culture."

Now, finally, I have a question.

When females (at least in Western culture) ALREADY have "a proper voice" in the ENTIRE/OVERALL culture, why do they NEED or DESERVE to have "a proper voice" in ever fragment of culture?

For an extreme example... do we give them a 50% say in what goes in gay-male marriages? That's a subculture. What about the things that go on (whatever those things might be) in a gay male bar or club or other social and/or professional event?

Do we give them a 50% say in what happens in the Boy Scouts? In male locker rooms?

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