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Mind the airgap: Why nothing focuses the mind like a bit of tech antiquing


They sound like Mac LC’s. The Dept had class sets of those for the teaching labs. I would get one in the holidays or when the 2nd years were doing other stuff, like blood pressure. I was writing my PhD thesis, when not demonstrating the labs and tutoring for extra money (wife and 2 kids).

Good fun was being called over by worried Med students who found the lab too noisy to do a BP (stethoscope method, now superseded*). So I would do it, pretending to listen and give them a BP. You watch the mercury column when it just starts to vibrate as it reduces, that’s systolic. When it stops vibrating, that’s systolic.

*Even with automated machines the Med students are still taught to do it the old fashioned way. In a disaster scenario there may not be any power. Similarly bags of blood are labelled by hand in indelible marker. They have barcodes too, but again in a disaster scenario . . .

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