Reply to post: Re: I have a few of these babies!

Mind the airgap: Why nothing focuses the mind like a bit of tech antiquing

The Sprocket

Re: I have a few of these babies!

I have to agree. But even if one uses the Powerbook 12" or iBook (as per the article), even simple limitations start to set in. I was noticing this on my last gen of 12" iBook G4.

- No can wirelessly connect to home 5G. I have to use slower option

- No near-current browsers work with it (even TenFourFox is lethargic). Web is OUT.

- Email providers are advancing their connection requirements that are leaving this kit behind.

But if you DON'T need much connectivity, why not? I still use my 12" iBook G4 (late 2005) quite often! And FTP still works a treat!

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