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If there's a lesson to be learned in these torrid times, it's that civilisation is fleeting – but Windows XP is eternal

John Brown (no body) Silver badge

"In a funny note, the replacement VOIP system is universally considered to be a step down in functionality, usability and flexibility compared to the 23 year old system it replaced."

It feels like maybe it's from HP. They like to fire their lowest 10% every year. So maybe they remove the least used 10% of functions/features every year too. This will lead to an evolution of the "fittest" which will be a programme that loads up, displays the corporate logo then just sits there. The ultimate in efficient apps that do only what is required and no more. Of course it will be bigger and more bloated than any previous version, only be available by an even more expensive daily subscription, updated every week and the biggest and best bug list. And you WILL be happy to install it.

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