Reply to post: Re: Loaded words replaced by euphemisms

Linux kernel coders propose inclusive terminology coding guidelines, note: 'Arguments about why people should not be offended do not scale'

Claptrap314 Silver badge

Re: Loaded words replaced by euphemisms

Wait. Do you mean your race is white while his is black--or that your belt is white while his is black.

Seriously, as soon as you went into the martial arts, my mind focuses color on the belt. I had to rethink that line in order to figure out that you might be talking about race.

The deprecation of "master" branches is particularly annoying to me, because the term "master" in regard to copy-making has NEVER referred to the slave trade. In fact, the use of master-slave terminology in any IT context is rather illiterate, because master-copy is what is intended for every case that comes to mind. If people insist on being offended by what is clearly a technical term, (the slave portion of master-slave) then fix the "slave" part.

Because we desperately need master craftsmen when it comes to our trades in IT.

These navel gazers need to be fired for wasting everyone else's time.

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