Reply to post: I hate being followed by adverts across the net

Dutch national broadcaster saw ad revenue rise when it stopped tracking users. It's meant to work like that, right?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

I hate being followed by adverts across the net

A few years back I’d been checking out some popular nsfw sites on my personal computer.

A few weeks later at work on my work machine, googling an issue with my boss among the pages returned where adverts for Russian brides, dating sites and others, clicking any of the links to stack exchange or equivalents resulted in further Inappropriate adverts Being displayed. I was naturally embarrassed and pissed off I’d been followed across machines.

The only commonality I could see was that I was signed into gmail on both machines.

I now use ad blockers, change tracking id’s frequently and click the triangle asking not to be shown those types of adverts again.

I’d much rather see non targeted ads at all times.

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