Reply to post: Re: Brexit sat-nav eh?

One does not simply repurpose an entire internet constellation for sat-nav, but UK might have a go anyway

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Brexit sat-nav eh?

> Every joke has been done before, one way or another, it doesn't stop things bringing a little light relief to someone's day.

Yes, I agree. But when a joke is obvious and has been seen dozens of times in the past month then perhaps it's worth biting your tongue.

Surely you are bored of Barnard Castle jokes? When I hear it it reminds me of the way politicians shoe horn their catchphrases in to any situation. It is the most tedious thing a person could possibly say at the moment.

> On another subject, is this what retirement looks like?

I'm not remotely retired. I'm at work having a little break and I accidentally got sucked in.

My problem is the appalling coverage the press has been giving to all things government to the point where I and a large proportion of the population now reflexively assume that anything in the press that is negative about the government probably isn't true.

I posted my original post as a bit of a moan ( this article is rubbish, give us an interesting take on it ), partly just moaning, partly hoping people would reply with something interesting. Why not speculate on other potential uses, for example? Or how it could work even though it looks like it perhaps shouldn't.

I have seen interesting replies taking from sources that were interested in covering the story rather than lazily attacking the government.

I've had some terrible replies too from people with no intellectual curiosity who want me to shut up because I'm not just agreeing with whoever is currently attacking the government. Why not discuss the potentially interesting aspects of the thing. Why not just assume that there might be some good that may come from it rather than hoping it will be a disaster?

( If you are genuinely enquiring about my wellbeing then thank you but I'm fine. I'm not as angry as a snapshot of my rushed El Reg posts may suggest )

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