Reply to post: Re: So Google is upset

Apple: We're defending your privacy by nixing 16 browser APIs. Rivals: You mean defending your bottom line

Charlie Clark Silver badge

Re: So Google is upset

Funny how people from Google never comment about how it always seems to be an iPhone the F.B.I. or whoever, seem to have difficulty with decrypting. It never seems to be an Android phone. Funny that.

Nice bit of whataboutery which isn't true. I-Phones are encrypted by default, with Android you normally have to enable it manually. But that doesn't mean it isn't secure and, just like Apple, Google cannot provide the keys to decrypt an encrypted Android device.

Apple's decision is more about scope: how much functionality can a browser provide safely? For several years there have been many people championing the browser as an OS. In order to do so this requires replicating OS services, which works well in some situations: notifications, hardware acceleration and even location services can make a lot of sense on (mobile) devices. But in other situations it essentially means breaking open the browser sandbox.

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