Reply to post: Re: COVID-19 decides. And CO2 decides. And lobbyists decide

Fasten your seat belts: Brave Reg hack spends a week eating airline food grounded by coronavirus crash


Re: COVID-19 decides. And CO2 decides. And lobbyists decide

BTW, if you DO decide to dig in, don't piss about going sideways, you'll be there forever and a day, lost in the morasse of "I need to protect my grant/job/mortgage" metoo's. AKA"tertiary research" AKA noise. You need to find out where the door is and if it's in the right place (primary research), not what colour someone's painted the doorknob. To put it another way:

Run up the reference tree. Find out what the Foundations are, then assess THEM.

I found 3 core and critical problems, any one of which destroys the entire meme.

I mentioned 1, earlier.

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