Reply to post: Re: Poxy Greys

CompSci student bitten by fox after feeding it McNuggets


Re: Poxy Greys

Exactly. The pox does kill some greys, but it invariably fatal to reds. In many ways, they are largely complimentary - the reds being lighter tend to stay higher - which may explain in part how my rather fearsome mogs bring in greys, presumably intercepted on the ground, but they never brought in Reds in a different house in a Red population area.

I should say this is a mixed blessing. Few things are worse than confronting the lower half of a squirrel, dismembered ion the hall carpet in the morning. I suffer for their art.

In fact, the score over the last three years is trapped and shooting: 7, Pi and Mu (for they are so named) :3. But for the moment a determined campaign means that we see Reds on the fringes of our woods, and Grey sighting are considerably lower than they were (maybe keeping out of sight :-).

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