Reply to post: Re: Hackintosh?

Apple gives Boot Camp the boot, banishes native Windows support from Arm-compatible Macs


Re: Hackintosh?

I seriously doubt Apple is going to tamper with the ARM64 instruction set. The Arm architecture manual is 8000 pages (sigh for the PDP-11/VAX-11 days where you could read the architecture guide in a single session). Apple won't want to take on the responsibility of documenting that. And, although they are a major contributor to the Clang compiler, they are by no means the only user of its LLVM code generator for ARM64, and they'd then have to start maintaining that on their own.

It's just another instruction set. The sky is not going to fall in. If you want to virtualise, or run on unauthorised hardware, though, you'll need to start with a CPU of the same architecture. The good thing about Aarm64 is that, unlike x86_64, it can be licensed by any company that wants to produce a competitive CPU.

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