Reply to post: Re: Silicon Valley to fill engineering departments with top international talent ...

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses... but not your H-1B geeks, L-1 staffers nor J-1 students

Anonymous Coward

Re: Silicon Valley to fill engineering departments with top international talent ...

> This is definitely as much Republican as Democrat.

If you had a clue, you would know that it is not equally Democrat and Republican: US H-1B Visa Quotas since 1990.

- 1990: H-1B Visa program starts under G.H.W. Bush 41 (R) with an annual quota of 65,000.

- 1998: Under Bill Clinton (D) annual quota is almost doubled to 115,000.

- 2000: Under Bill Clinton (D) again, annual quota is increased to 195,000.

- 2005: Under G.W. Bush 43 (R) annual quota is reduced to 65,000 + additional 20,000 for people holding graduate degrees.

- 2009 - 2017: Quotas stay constant throughout Obama's (D) two terms.

- 2017: At the last minute, Obama pushes through a giant loophole around the annual H-1B quotas.

So no, it is not true that this is equally Democrat and Republican. This rests squarely on neo-liberal Democrats.

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