Reply to post: The advert for life lied.

Belief in 5G conspiracy theories goes hand-in-hand with small explosions of rage, paranoia and violence, researchers claim

Chris 216
Black Helicopters

The advert for life lied.

Putting aside the (IMV) small number of narcissistic psychopathic conspiracy theorists, most conspiracy theorists are people that bought into religion / happyness through make-up / steroids, /happiness through retail therapy / "owning" expensive toys, etc. and then ran hard into the reality of the universe.

Essentially, when it turned out that their parents/society could and did lie (affairs, gambling, drugs, didn't actually want kids, etc) and then the "great promise" of a better future for them as billionaire Formula 1 catwalk models, flying around in private jets making smash hit cassettes/CD's/Downloads and having enough money to buy Monaco evaporated in the banality of a humdrum existence, the brain’s Human Unhinged Bestial Response Indignation System kicked in, dialled itself to 11. And broke the knob off.

"Listen, you KNOW you are awesome. If you only had the chance which MUST have been stolen from you (obvsz), then you would be famous AND rich AND awesome".

"You can drive a car."

"You have a working ****."

"You have more money than them poor people over in Africa."


"Proof if you ever needed it (which you didn't) that you are AWESOME."

"Dont forget how clever you are - if those politicians did what you KNOW is right then everything would work out. You don’t need proof to know you’re RIGHT. Idiots."

"So if it's not YOUR fault, and you’re really clever, it MUST BE someone else's fault, right?".

"HANGON!... Did you hear it? Did you hear THAT?! - Did you hear the whisper that "IT" is all being controlled by a bloke/political party/ethnic group/machine/etc?!!"


"THEY are controlling everything! Yes! Yes! That's right! You have secret knowledge! You KNOW things the sheeple DONT!"

"How awesome are YOU?!!"

Very awesome. Very, very awesome.

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