Reply to post: Re: 450 cities protesting racism

Trump's Make Space Great Again video pulled after former 'naut says: Nope

Michael Habel

Re: 450 cities protesting racism

If Sleepy, Creepy, Sleazy, Stuffy headded, and, Wheezy Quid Pro Joe, is the best that side has... (And, he is!), the our side has nothing to worry about. I agree with you though. The left are baiting our President into a false flag moment, and as much as I hate to say it. The only winning move really is to not play their game. If they want to have commie thugs runnig the place. Then let them. hopefully by the time November rolls along both the Mayor, and that useles know nothing Governor of Washington State will both be out on their arses. If nothing else, I forsee Seattle, and Portland becoming the left coast equivalents of Detroit.

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