Reply to post: Re: The Damned Things

Now you've done it: Cyber attack targeted Australian brewery 'n' dairy biz Lion

Claverhouse Silver badge

Re: The Damned Things

I barely drink any alcohol [ family history + I dislike the tastes ]: but I only buy stuff as much as possible from firms who are not part of conglomerates. For instance, if you buy T-Shirts from Fruit of the Loom, that's owned by Warren Buffett. If you buy from The Gap it makes George Soros richer.

Why should all of human creativity be funneled into the possession of a few large entities ? I would prefer millions of small businesses.

Besides, your 'solution', some of the individuals refusing the offerings of mega-corps by making their own, is wholly inconsequential and wouldn't even be noted by the villains, just as my individual self using Linux makes no difference to Microsoft.

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