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As Uncle Sam flies spy drones over protest-packed cities, Homeland Security asks the public if that's a good idea

IGotOut Silver badge

Re: I submitted my comment

Oh here we go. Let's get some history straightened.

The US ONLY entered WW2 after Japan attacked AND Germany declared war.

The only reason the US decided to sell us a large amount of arms was we passed decrypted information that Germany was encouraging Mexico to attack Texas.

After WW2 you pretty quickly asked for your money back, and it wasn't until we said we would pull out of the likes of Italy and Greece that were heavily leaning to the far left and Communism did you crap yourselves.

Only the USA came out of WW2 with far more money than went in.

Then how about Korea, Vietnam and the two gulf wars which we helped you out in? The US was at no risk of attack but many European states still came to your aid.

The reason the US maintains large armies overseas is for their benefit. A convenient place to project their power abroad.

All that said, I agree that without the US help after WW2, an large area of Europe would of fallen under communism and many do appreciate it, but that was a long time ago.

The US (as a nation) used to claim it was the land of the free and tried to be a example to.the world, but unfortunately, it has become to look like a cesspit of corruption and incompetence.

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