Reply to post: Re: "......worst death toll in Europe"

In Hancock's half-hour, Dido Harding offers hollow laughs: Cake distracts test-and-trace boss at UK COVID-19 briefing

Peter X

Re: "......worst death toll in Europe"

That's the annoying thing. We "the people", quite rightly critique on their crappy performance, and then they just find somewhere that's worse and say "look, we're not _that_ bad".

But here's the thing - where do *WE* expect to be? Surely, the UK should have managed this as well or better than other countries? If we do not expect that of ourselves, what does that say? (and by extension, that attitude most bode very badly for our future brexit strategy).

IMHO have handled this piss-poorly.

There's no excuse for where we find ourselves.

If they can't figure this out, then they really should consider their positions and call an election.

And I know that last bit prolly sounds like a pipe-dream, but exactly why should *WE* be putting up with this incompetence?

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