Reply to post: I think I know how this will work

AWS won't sell facial-recog tool to police for a year – other law enforcement agencies are in the clear

doublelayer Silver badge

I think I know how this will work

From the Facial Recognition Injustice Elimination and National Defense Act (FRIEND Act), October 2020:

"It shall be illegal for any institution of this government or of the governments of the states to use facial recognition software for the recognition of the public. It shall also be illegal to retain records of facial data collected by public safety organizations for a period exceeding fourteen days. These requirements do not apply in the case of matters of national security, terrorism, human trafficking, or crimes against children. Furthermore, a fund is authorized to assist in the research and development of more accurate facial recognition models to prevent this technology from resulting in unintended discrimination on the basis of race, gender, or any other protected characteristic. These funds are to be distributed to organizations doing development in the United States and using information of U.S. residents only in order to foster domestic development of artificial intelligence software."

From the records of the Improving Facial Recognition Software Accuracy Agency, December 2020:

"Grants have been authorized in the following amounts: To, of the state of Washington, $258 million. To Clearview AI, of the state of New York, $223 million. To Public Safety Facial Research Systems Inc, of the state of Delaware, $198 million, ..."

From the records of ________, company name redacted, March 2021:

"We have obtained a dataset containing the images of all U.S. residents from government databases opened up by the FRIEND Act. Our accuracy rating seems to be improving nicely, and we believe will be able to make the targets requested by our clients in Saudi Arabia and China."

From the records of various police departments: May-July 2021:

"Recent protests in our city concerning [insert something you could protest here] have caused damage to property and chaos in the area. These tactics are being considered terrorism. For this reason, we will be investing in facial recognition software and longterm storage systems. We request additional funding for this purpose."

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