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Readers of a certain age will remember GPRS: Old insecure tech from turn of millennium still haunts 5G networks


Well, you know what happens when your old smartphone suddenly kicks the bucket and you're forced to fall back to your previous Symbian S60 smartphone (that incidentally was capable at doing literally _every_ _single_ _thing_ your "modern" smartphone could do) that just happens to still be working...? Well, for one, you WILL NOT connect to any webpages whatsoever considering they all transitioned to https in the interim, which your hopelessly-out-of-date-both-by-cyphers-and-certificates old phone will absolutely refuse to have anything to do with. Yes, even a simple Google search. Except... until you try WHICH WILL STILL WORK AND DELIVER YOU SEARCH RESULTS. Yes, motherfucking WAP. Yes, in 2020. Cower at the might of legacy tech, ye fucking mortals...

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