Reply to post: Re: x86 Software

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Gonzo wizard
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Re: x86 Software

Even if that ability isn't lost entirely it is likely to be at best crippled, and this simply reinforces Apple's move to turn an all-purpose computer with the ability to run the OS of your choice into one that runs the OS of their choice. I've already stopped buying Apple laptops; this move would stop me buying Apple computers full stop.

I won't buy a sealed, unserviceable, un-upgradeable brick for a small fortune, let alone the large fortune that Apple demands. About the only subset of developers who will be unaffected - or just have to suck it up - are the Apple and iOS app developers.

Microsoft do a demonstrably better job of supporting older software for extended periods of time, while Linux is perfect if you're working outside of the iOS/macOS and Windows bubbles, as most back end and web developers do. (I'd love to see how Apple's sales breakdown has changed over the last five years, and how they predict it will look three years after a move to ARM)

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