Reply to post: Re: Shut it

Developers renew push to get rid of objectionable code terms to make 'the world a tiny bit more welcoming'


Re: Shut it

quite a lot of the safe spaces objection to shared changing rooms (from women) is the assumption that a man is deliberately using access for ulterior intent. So thank you for unintentionally reinforcing my point.

No, quite a lot of the objects are because of a misanthropic fear that men would use it for ulterior intent. I think you'll find that most reasonable people understand that if a man wants to see a naked woman that isn't his lass, he'll simply go to a damn strip club. They're not hard to find and the women will n the whole be better looking and pleased to see you. Don't let facts get in the way of your beautifully constructed narrative though.

But being a white person in a white country, is to not stick out in a crowd of other people who look the same as you.

Using your logic white people would be disadvantaged in all of Africa, except, they're generally not.

I'll give you an example, there is a very well photographed man of colour who is a big fan of Brexit. I wonder if you can call his dress to mind.. There is an equally well photographed white man who is on the other side of the fence. The pair of them have been shouting at each other for nearly four years now outside the H.O.C. Can you call the white guy's clothing to mind? Can you call any details of the black guy's face to mind?

I honestly can't think of either person. I'll freely admit that I turned off the Brexit coverage for the most part right after the first vote, because I presumed the matter settled, and because by then both campaigns had degenerated into lying echo chambers.

To stay with your idea though... I can readily recall to mind Daley Thompson's face, though for the life of me, not what he was wearing. Same for Bruno, Tyson, AJ, etc etc Equally easy is Fury, but again, not his clothing - which is.... different to my recollection.

I see the person in front of me, not what they drive, not what they wear, and not what job they do. Don't you?

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